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Henry Street Parklet- Saratoga Springs, NY
Parks to Ports Greenway- Long Island, NY
Green Infrastructure Median and Street Design
Planting & Garden Design




​Public Space Design ​

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Plans
Complete Streets Plans

Outdoor Dining + Parklet Design
Active Transportation Design and Planning
Bike Facility Design
Tactical Urbanism
Quick Implementation Street Design
Vision Zero Plans and Initiatives
Pedestrian Plazas


​Downtown Revitalization Plans
Community Engagement

Grant Writing
Public Art Coordination


Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Section 14.09 of the New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Law
Historic Preservation Tribal Coordination
New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)
US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide and Individual Permits
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
Federal Clean Water Act (Sections 401, 404) Permits
NYS Stream and Wetland Permits
National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) Permits
New York City Environmental Quality Review Act (CEQR) Permits
New York City Department of City Planning Uniform Land Use Review Program (ULURP) Permits
New York City Department of Transportation Building Pavement Plan (BPP) Permits
New York City Department of Parks and Recreation Tree Work Permits
NYS Department of Transportation Highway Work Permits
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Street Tree Permits
NYC Landmark Commission Permits
NYC Public Design Commission Coordination and Submittals
NYS Department of Transportation Local Federal Project Coordination
Federal Highway Administration Grants and Permits

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Parks and Greenway Design and Planning
Commercial Development Site Plans
Residential Design Services
Waterfront Development and Resiliency Design and Planning

Educational & Campus Design
Athletic Facility Design
Playground Design

Historic Landscape Preservation and Restoration
Trail Design
Interpretive Signage
Planting Plans
Outdoor and Street Lighting Plans
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessible Design
Construction Monitoring and Inspection
Photo Simulations
Perspective Renderings


​Geographic Information System Mapping

Visual Impact Analysis

Environmental Impact Assessment

Aesthetic Resource Inventory

Viewshed Analysis

Ecological Restoration Design

Green Infrastructure Design
Ecological Recharge & Stormwater Design

Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
Environmental Regulatory Compliance

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Public Involvement Plans

Community Organizing

Governmental and Stakeholder Engagement

Public Meeting Coordination

Website & Social Media Content

Public Feedback Data Collection and Analysis

Innovative COVID & Socially Distant Public Outreach Events

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